AnalogMagik Tutorial 3: How to Set Azimuth on Your Cartridge
(For AnalogMagik Version 1 Users)
Azimuth refers to the horizontal balance of the cartridge when viewed from the front. This, in turn, determines at which angle the stylus sits on the record groove.
The theoretical assumption is that when the Cartridge body is perfectly perpendicular to the record groove, the stylus will sit perfectly in the record grooves. Visual methods using tools such as the Acoustical System SMARTStylus (an acrylic block with grid lines) or bubble levels offer an excellent starting point.
All cartridges are made by hand, and therefore, the stylus may not be perfectly perpendicular to the cantilever, the coil assembly, or the cartridge body. This means visual methods can only provide you with an approximation. As soon as the record spins, whether your stylus is sitting at the optimal spot is unknown, so achieving an accurate setup by eyesight will be less accurate.
If azimuth is set incorrectly, the Stylus will not sit perfectly in the record groove, and signals recorded on the Left Channel will leak to the Right Channel (or vice versa); this leakage between Channels is called Crosstalk, and it is expressed as a negative decibel number. The higher the negative number, the lower the crosstalk, and the better the channel separation.
Incorrect azimuth will also lead to degradation in other measurements such as %THD between L and R channel and IMD% (Intermodulation Distortions).
All cartridges have some inherent crosstalk, but there is no universal standard on what is considered acceptable. Based on our observation, the crosstalk number usually range between -20 dB to -30 dB.

The AnalogMagik software and test LP contain two test tracks that allow you to determine the level of crosstalk between two channels. To determine the optimal azimuth, take readings of the two Azimuth tracks on the test LP, and AnalogMagik will compute the Crosstalk number for you.
In version 2 of the software, both L and R channels can be measured at the same time using 1 test track. This greatly improves accuracy while reducing time.
If the Left channel Crosstalk number is > than the Right channel, twist the cartridge slightly (by approx. 0.5 to 1 degree), and repeat the measurement, or vice versa for the other direction. An optimal Azimuth setting is achieved when the difference between the L and R Crosstalk numbers are as small as possible.
For Example, if you start off with -25.5dB on the left and -28.5 dB on the right, you adjust the azimuth and the numbers will change. Keep adjusting and measuring until the Crosstalk numbers are as close together as possible, .to say -27.5 and -27. How close a number can be achieved between L and R channels depends on the inherent quality of the cartridge and is affected by:
Channel Balance
zenith angle of the diamond (whether the diamond is mounted perpendicular to the cantilever
the relative position of the cartridge coil versus the stylus tip and the cantilever
AnalogMagik is just a distortion analyzer, it will show you changes between L and R channels as you perform adjustments. It will not magically give out good numbers beyond the capability of the cartridge itself, nor will it make adjustments for you.
On some cartridges, it is possible to achieve a number that is as close as 0.5 dB between the Left and Right Channels. On others, you can sometimes get as close to within 1-2 dB difference between channels. AnalogMagik will not adjust the cartridge, it will not correct the channel separation specifications because that is a mechanical issue with the cartridge. That is the job of the cartridge manufacturer, not AnalogMagik.
For a list of FAQs on Azimuth, please see the FAQ Azimuth section.
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